The Gender Gap: Roles & Responsibilities in the Church

I have dealt with this issue in a few settings, but specifically within the past few months as it applies to our local church body.  This is one of the most potentially volatile issues of our time – because the world and the Bible seem to have a starkly contrasted view of gender roles and responsibilities.  I have given quite a bit of thought to this topic and have finally found another writer who seems to echo my understanding of some key portions of Scripture.  Not that I’m looking for someone to back me up, but it’s nice to see someone else handle the text as I have.

James M. Hamilton Jr. is an Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He presented a document to the Wheaton Theology Conference titled, WHAT WOMEN CAN DO IN MINISTRY: FULL PARTICIPATION WITHIN BIBLICAL BOUNDARIES."  You can find the article here, or I have attached it to this blog and can be found on under my BOOK LIST.

I especially want to draw your attention to page 17 of the document where James handles the discussion on 1 Timothy 2:13-15.  He handles the topic extremely well from a scholarly standpoint, but more than that, he handles it Biblically.  An excellent review of a difficult topic.

Have at it.

One thought on “The Gender Gap: Roles & Responsibilities in the Church

  1. Woohoo…. Great Article. I sometimes wonder if the major issues of Gender Roles inside of the church, especially in lieu of the 21st century neutrality (or neutering) of genders, is less a biblical perspective and more a fear or cultural tunnel vision. I like to look at it this way, if a Man is truly acting as a Man of God, then he has nothing to fear from a woman teaching, preaching or leading. I may also be so bold as to say that some men fear women in a position of leadership, because they are not comfortable with their own position as a man of God…..So, to suggest the hardest question (a question to which I have my own ideas already in process… we should talk)… How are we training young men to become Men of God? In a society in which men are neutered and suppressed, so as to not offend the said "minority", we cannot rely on most families, schools, or anyone to teach a biblical perspective of a man. So, how are we in the church facilitating this growth? Or is the segregation of youth and mens ministries defaulting the responsibility to the other? In conclusion… I wonder what the issue will look like in 10 or 20 years? What sociological perspectives will be implied by the TNIV, or other Gender Neutral Bibles that are to come? Will the current Generation be indoctrinated by a wrong Doctrine?

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