For What It’s Worth…

Just an update post more than anything. I’ve been part of a Bible study for the past couple of months and I gotta tell ya, it has been refreshing.

My greatest fear in my life is that I would die a spiritually withered man because I stopped growing in ways that please God. That somehow I would just attend church and teach based on the years of academic Bible study that I had completed. I had actually reached a certain level of this spiritual malaise while attending seminary. In the one place on earth where I should be challenged to grow in my personal walk with my God, I found myself existing in a spiritual desert. My life suffered then on so many levels: with my wife, my activities at my church, and most importantly, my heart for God.

When I finished school, I determined that I had read thousands upon thousands of pages of information about God but they were merely words. I did not read another book for seven years. Fortunately, a member of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, was still working in me and softening my heart again. I am often reminded of Philippians 1:6 where Paul wrote, For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. I am so thankful that it is GOD who not only began the work but also is continuing to work in me. If it would have been left to me I would have spiritually wandered in that desert I had made for myself. I am so thankful for God’s faithfulness to me. Undeserved, but I am so grateful.

As my wife can attest, I have always enjoyed long conversations with my Dad and brothers about spiritual matters. Not for the purpose of mere discussion, but rather a true, open conversation about all things spiritual. We never discuss just for discussion-sake. We are truly practical theologians in that setting.

I am encouraged by our recent Bible studies as men who are really looking to know God deeper. I believe that we have a unique opportunity to be men – men who love God – men who love God and each other – men who aren’t afraid to allow the Spirit to work in our lives. While I may not have shared this with the group upfront, I hope that what happens on these Saturday mornings will begin – shall I say – a revival of sorts. A revival of individuals in our relationships with God which then spills over into all aspects of our lives. And then, and only then, that the Spirit will allow us to be mirrors of God’s light to our local church body.

I love the group DC Talk. My favorite song has a phrase from an old hymn:

Day by day, day by day
Day by day, day by day
Oh dear Lord, three things I pray
To see Thee more clearly
To love Thee more dearly
To follow Thee more nearly
Day by day

Three things. That’s my prayer now. Didn’t used to be, but it seems that I’ve been resurrected…

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